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Symbolically, teddy bears can represent several concepts depending on cultural context, individual beliefs and personal associations.

Here are some common symbolic interpretations associated with bear cubs.

The bears represent...

INNOCENCE & PURITY - Bears, especially teddy bears, are often associated with innocence and purity. Their soft and cute appearance evokes feelings of tenderness and love.

PROTECTION & CHILDHOOD - Cubs, as the bear's cubs, can symbolize maternal protection. They sometimes represent a connection to family and security, evoking a feeling of comfort and support. They are often linked to childhood, bringing back memories of favorite toys, children's stories and moments of comfort. They can symbolize the joy and carefreeness of childhood.

LOVE & AFFECTION - Giving a teddy bear, especially in the form of a stuffed animal, is often a romantic or friendly gesture. Teddy bears can symbolize love, affection and emotional connection between people.

THE QUIET FORCE - Although bears are often associated with power and strength, cubs can also represent quiet strength. They sometimes embody resilience and inner strength in a sweet, small package.

TRANSITION & RENEWAL - Due to their association with bears, cubs can also symbolize periods of transition, growth or renewal, evoking the natural cycle of life.

LEVA BIJOUX was born from an unwavering passion for jewelry, but also from a desire to pay sincere homage to a piece of jewelry given to me at birth by my grandmother, a treasure full of feelings and precious memories that gave me the strength to take the plunge and create my own jewelry. Thanks to LEVA BIJOUX, I'd like to share my passion for jewelry and teddy bears with you.


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